Sunday is usually park day at this time of year, though we’d normally travel to Gadebridge. Now we’re in lockdown it makes sense to try out our local Lowndes park. Well, I shouldn’t really say “try out” as it’s far from our first time – just been a while…..
We start with the usual longer run. I’m still in two minds after my calf has been playing up. It feels a bit tight during warm-up and form drills but nothing bad so decide I’ll give it a go. The first hill is horrible, has this deceptive dip that makes the top look visually closer and physically lulls you into a false sense of security as you ease into the dip and then the next part of the hill hits you!! I’m just about walking by the top, but I make it. There are some dog walkers standing and chatting at the top. I turn onto the flat hoping pick up the pace, my legs think otherwise. The dog walkers look at me like I’m mad, at this point I think they are right but don’t want to show it so push past. Actually “push” is the wrong word and “wade” is probably better as I might as well be waist deep in treacle.
Things improve after that and I get a good head of steam going down the hill towards the duck pond. Then I see a bit of a dip in the ground , actually more of a hole with what looks like a bit of concrete covered in grass and sadly right in my path so immediate evasive action is needed and my calf rebels on landing after the sudden change of direction. Not major but enough pain to let me know it’s time to decelerate gracefully (?) and give up the run.
Marcus completes the run at a good pace and I have to settle for giving him moral support as he does the hill sprints – 2 sets of 4×120 with 7 minutes in between. This is up the bit of hill with the deceptive dip. Very painful, half of me is glad to be watching whilst the other half is desperate to be running with him.